
AU age 51
Joined 2 years ago
Last login 13 days ago
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I am:Female
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Member Since:11-Sep-21
Last Logged In:4-Jun-24
About roseSucks
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Self Description
RaystiesHubby : God damn no way are you 51...
(9 days ago)
aussiehorn : Hi there baby, thanks for our little chat I hope we can continue it one day soon, your a very sexy woman, I like looking at your pics.
(79 days ago)
Center61 : I was going to send you a message but I saw you were not a premium so I decided to comment here. I really do find your two pictures very sexy and stimulating. I really hope you will decide to post some more photos even if they are the teasing type lol. Take care and have fun and you should be very confident about the sexiness of your body. If you want to comment to me you can comment on my profile.
(2 years ago)
stato50 : mmmm shes a hottie,, please show us more
(2 years ago)
Profile last updated: 12-Sep-21