
GB age 84
Joined 12 years ago
Last login 7 years ago
mature lady love sex
My BN Status:
I am:Female
Sexual Preference:Guys
Am Seeking:Anyone - Don't care
Marital Status:Married (but up for it anyway)
Member Since:29-May-12
Last Logged In:30-Dec-16
Location:norfolk, England, United Kingdom
About jane77im
Star Sign:
Is Following:
Is Looking For:
Other:would love to try two or three nice young men say perhaps asian or african?
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Professional Life
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jane77im hasn't filled in this section yet.
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jane77im hasn't filled in this section yet.
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Self Description
danglebitzfree : love your photos xxx
(7 years ago)
delta george : Time for more photos, what is up, besides our cocks?
(8 years ago)
hornygray : I don't know why you wont talk to me my sweet, am i to close to home for you ? I'm not as bad as some on here i can asure you of that ! XXXXXX
(9 years ago)
NightRN : We need some new pics to keep our cocks bobbing, please!!!
(9 years ago)
hornygray : Someone is posting your pictures from off of here, all over the internet !
(10 years ago)
bencal77 : great pix super body please add me as an aussie friend
(10 years ago)
tate1969 : what a wicked grin...
(10 years ago)
hornygray : Don't know why you never answer your mail from me ?????
(10 years ago)
andjo : I don`t think these are real photos Photshopped
(10 years ago)
hornygray : Why don't you try me first my sweet, I'll give you anything you want! XXXX
(10 years ago)
hornygray : And I would love to be able just to talk with you Jane XXX
(10 years ago)
tonyz : I can't believe your age! you look FANTASTIC!!!
(10 years ago)
59asten : pics are photoshopped.
(10 years ago)
mucky_un : You look amazing, I'd love you to be my first mature pussy. X
(10 years ago)
mark1170 : Sooooo sexy Fancy a toy boy PM & friend me
(10 years ago)
b17b17b17b17 : So glad I happened onto your profile, I love your body shape. Can't find a thing not mucho hot about you and your profile - lovely lady!! Thanks for sharing your photos. Would love to stay "abreast" of your profile if you feel up to inviting me as a friend!! I also chat a lot on NN if you ever want to - no strings.
(10 years ago)
NightRN : Hello Jane, I think you are absolutely gorgeous and I love your photos!!! I'm from Central America, originally, but live across the pond. I lived in the UK for a few years and would love to move back. You're an example of what I keep asking myself... Why is it that all of the hot horny women who are willing to hook up all live in the UK?!!! If I could swim the distance I'd so love to be there between your legs every day and night!!!
(10 years ago)
woody6942 : Hi how are you great pics pleas add me as a friend if you can i would love to have some fun with you sometime keep the pics cumming and play with you soon If you cant add me as a friend check out the Other Interests I have in bio its another FREE fun site i use play with you soon its a cam site lets have some fun cum with you soon
(10 years ago)
The Necromancer : Cant get enough of you!!X
(10 years ago)
oldies58 : gorgeous body xx
(11 years ago)
dddd1551 : love an older horny women hmm nice
(11 years ago)
Profile last updated: 2-Jun-12