
If I Were To Switch Teams for a Night
I have never been with a guy. Ever. Yes I had some innocent experimentation when I was like 13 but there was never any sucking, penetration or even touching done between me and the other kid.

I think any guy who stays on NN long enough is going to wonder if they could ever 'switch teams'. Sometimes I think I might be able to switch teams but when I log out of here, leave my house and go about my day, reality sets in:

I'm 100% hetero and I'm always horny.

There has never been an occasion where a man makes me stop dead in my tracks and makes me 'tingly' or say "Man would I love to hit that!" Yet it happens maybe 100x a day when I see women.

But that doesn't mean I don't have a bi fantasy when I'm on NN. I will sometimes reveal it to someone in chat. It's very specific and very erotic...

I want to be laying face down on my own bed. I want to be completely naked face down on my green blanket above the covers. This has to do with sensation, not sight. I want the guy to take his cock and slowly rub it between my bum cheeks. (Not INTO my bum but using my bum as a 'launching pad'.) I want to feel a guy's cock grow. Slowly. I want to feel the cock get hotter. Slowly. I just want to shut my eyes face down on my blanket and feel the sensations. I don't care how long it takes either. And I want a specific finish. I want to feel the cock get tense and I want to feel the balls get tight against my ass. I want to hear all the groans and moans. I want to slowly listen as another guy loses their composure.

Then I want to feel the jets. I want to feel the hot, rythmic jets of cum as they sail onto my upper and lower back and onto my butt cheeks.

For whatever reason--go ask Freud, maybe he knows why--this is my one bisexual fantasy. I think it's incredibly erotic so I wanted to 'cop' to it.

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If I could be a man as a day, with a compliant cock, and a willing cunt, I'd spend the whole day thrusting: thrusting fast and hard—so that it even hurts the woman, just a bit—thrusting so gently that, it's more of a tease than an actual fuck, and everything in between. I would thrust from every angle, with every degree of force and delicacy. I would thrust, and thrust, and thrust some more. That way I'd finally know. The inability to thrust is, I think, the great shortcoming of female sexuality, which in so many ways is otherwise superior. For that, see Teirisias.


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I was 1963sexybutt. The fantasy happened.

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Waltham58 said: I was 1963sexybutt. The fantasy happened.

Hope it was as enjoyable as you hoped. Yup thought I was the only one with a similar fantasy!

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Member Since: 1-Jun-09
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Waltham58 said: I was 1963sexybutt. The fantasy happened.

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it...I'm that goodsmilesmile LOLLOLLOL

That is some detailed fantasy for a hetero gringrin

To answer this question...I could switch

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Member Since: 28-Apr-16
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Go ahead and switch,you were nearly there anyway,for me once i feel that cock near my arse i want it in me quick.

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