
Member Since: 25-Nov-09
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Current COVID status in NZ
Well we just about got delta know off and all had a great holidays, unlimited numbers at festivals if vaccinated - [except the anti vaccination “freedom fighters” (as they would want to be called) would say we ain’t free to which I (& 95% of the population - our vaccination rate) would say fuck off you twats].

Bloody omicron got out obviously from the ‘imported’ cases at the border and we’ve moved to red on our ‘traffic light system’ (different to our prior alert level system - no real change from orange level; unless you’re a close contact business not using the vaccine pass system then you can’t trade.

Everything else much the same. Schools go back from Christmas holidays next week I think; all businesses open, oh, under red hospitality restricted to 100 seated (with vaccine passes) under orange no such restrictions to hospitality using pass. Bit more on masking and scanning still required - which it seems most are doing.

Ultimately no issues for us yet. Could be supply chain issues like elsewhere as in NZ if a person gets COVID they are required to isolate. Most should be able to do this from home and a lot able to work from home.

Started our booster program couple of weeks ago and 5 to 11 year olds program from 17/01/21.

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Member Since: 25-Nov-09
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If you want more on rules check out our Unite Against COVID website

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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Let's remember that vaccinations are to stop you from getting very ill,and having to go into Hospital.
They do not stop you from catching it and passing it on..

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Member Since: 11-Jan-08
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Raven2005 said: Let's remember that vaccinations are to stop you from getting very ill,and having to go into Hospital.
They do not stop you from catching it and passing it on..

Quite apart from not stop you from catching it and passing it on, the vaccine causes deaths and catastrophic injuries but very little of that is ever reported in the mainstream media and suggested links to vaccine are met with flat out denials. Facebook routinely censored people who described their own adverse reactions.

What Came Unstuck in New Zealand?
Lessons for the World.
26 January, 2022

Prime Minister Ardern has famously told the public that “the Government should be your sole source of information”; in her words all other sources of information, especially social media, are worthless “grains of salt”.

The vaccine injury blackout that the government has been able to exert over the media has been so total that the vaccine safety narrative at first proved very robust. Despite the injury stories circulating among friends and on social media, it was always possible for the Government to dismiss the fate of one’s injured friends as rare and unfortunate (if indeed they ever mentioned it). In fact, many vaccine-injured have been trolled on social media for breaking the ‘obviously’ true narrative of safety and made to feel inadequate or worse: the cause of their own injury. The days of this herd mentality are now numbered. People have started to blow the whistle – they are largely the source of this article.

How Did NZ Go So Far Down the Rabbit Hole?

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Member Since: 25-Nov-09
Location: NZ
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theinfidel said:
Raven2005 said: Let's remember that vaccinations are to stop you from getting very ill,and having to go into Hospital.
They do not stop you from catching it and passing it on..

Quite apart from not stop you from catching it and passing it on, the vaccine causes deaths and catastrophic injuries but very little of that is ever reported in the mainstream media and suggested links to vaccine are met with flat out denials. Facebook routinely censored people who described their own adverse reactions.

What Came Unstuck in New Zealand?
Lessons for the World.
26 January, 2022

Prime Minister Ardern has famously told the public that “the Government should be your sole source of information”; in her words all other sources of information, especially social media, are worthless “grains of salt”.

The vaccine injury blackout that the government has been able to exert over the media has been so total that the vaccine safety narrative at first proved very robust. Despite the injury stories circulating among friends and on social media, it was always possible for the Government to dismiss the fate of one’s injured friends as rare and unfortunate (if indeed they ever mentioned it). In fact, many vaccine-injured have been trolled on social media for breaking the ‘obviously’ true narrative of safety and made to feel inadequate or worse: the cause of their own injury. The days of this herd mentality are now numbered. People have started to blow the whistle – they are largely the source of this article.

How Did NZ Go So Far Down the Rabbit Hole?

Well being from NZ when it comes to COVID and the vaccines the population believes the Government (most importantly the experts) as I do.

Even the opposition parties believe in the vaccines and only argue over when they should have been given.

If the vaccines were killing people then the opposition would be right in there for the political mileage. That alone says volumes.

These people are effectively saying that the Government and the scientists and medical professionals and the public servants are all corrupt. Think about it why? Where’s the upside?

95% of the population know what is correct.

You cannot argue that NZ did well when we eliminated COVID earlier then say those same people are now part of a conspiracy. The only logical conclusion you can take from that is these are the people saying that are in all probability the same people who said COVID was fake .

These are the people who have unfortunately placed themselves into restrictions and how intend to move that onto the rest of the country.

Look at it this way; NZers are quite, but intelligent. We are a developed country and intelligent. We do not follow a Government regardless of who it is Willy nilly. We in the main care about our neighbours and our elderly. Let 95% are vaccinated; boosters rates are climbing and so are vaccination of 5 to 11 year olds as parents decide that is best for their children.

The only ones complaining are a group set up by a self appointed bishop (who’s a millionaire).

There is NO way a NZ Government(regardless of what political spectrum) can “brainwash” or whatever is trying to be said here our population.

On top of that NZ operates a non-political public service. The Public Service in NZ is the least corrupt in the world (after Demark). The public service has nothing to gain, it is apolitical meaning staff and CEOs remain in their positions regardless of who’s the government.

The Prime Minister even said if people didn’t believe what was being said by her about the vaccines to talk to someone they trusted to talk to a GP to talk to a nurse. 95% did.

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Member Since: 25-Nov-09
Location: NZ
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Update: we have moved back to “Orange” meaning no limits on outdoor and indoor gatherings.

No need to scan in to places although scanning system left in place.

Masks remain in some areas like public transport and retail.

Masks at discretion of individual schools.

No need for vaccination unless in areas like health and some others.

In most of our District Health Boards Omicron cases are declining - still in thousands per day. About 500 with COVID have passed away. With about 600 in hospital.

I think there’s about 70 - 80,000 active cases; however as people with COVID are to isolate it is said that could be higher by x5.

But it’s the hospitalisation/death rate being the real measurements.

Lots of businesses working from home, but as no vaccination requirement will be returning to CBD so will be interesting to see what happens then.

As for travel citizens and permanent residents of New Zealand and Australia can (& are) and are travelling between both countries.

As before citizens and PRs from overseas with COVID can self isolate if vaccinated - those not vaccinated must stay at Managed Isolation and Quarantine. Cases at border still being identified.

Oh, residents who get COVID must self-isolate for seven days.

Booster numbers climbing slowly (I think about 72% of eligible people). About 96% double vaccinated. How have four (maybe five) vaccines cleared for use. Spent millions on those, but it seems little up take from those that didn’t want to take Pfizer (for whatever reasons).

Prime Minister off on overseas trade trip for first time in two/three years.

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